Love doesn't start with the eyes, Starts with the heart. Look deep down inside. You have the chance- To make a choice, to make a change. So take the chance To make a choice, to make a change. -->So make the choice to look with the eyes of your heart ~India Arie

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

From the inside.

Walking in the front door.. This apartment building was newly renovated 2 years ago, so it has a modern feel to it. My room is the room in the far right corner.Our Cute little Compact kitchen!! (Notice the espresso machine) The fridge is the cupboard on the left with the magnets on it. The Living room.. our office is around the corner and to the left.
Down the short my room, or the bathrooms. With 3 girls and sometimes even more living here at once, we are very grateful to have 1 and a half baths!! YAY.

Now I lay me down to sleep

This is my room! I really want you to notice the bunkbed...meaning I have an extra bed right in my room. So if you are ever in Zurich......

The best balcony. It's not the greatest view..all I see are the neighboring buildings ( I will have to post a picture of a neighbor across the alley, the balcony is a forest of marijuana!??)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My "Flat"..from the outside

Here's where I live..and will be living for the next few years. Home Sweet Home!

My favourite part of this building is the peak. You can go up into it, and it has window all around. It's beautiful at night to look out and see all the lights of Zurich, and see them relflect off the lake!

One of the only grassy areas in our district. There is another park which is quite a bit larger, but it's about a 10 minute walk away. We live on quite a busy street. You hear the tram go by every 10 minutes or so, at first it was loud and annoying but now I don' t even notice it. My room is at the back which helps!!!!

In Detail...

RED: This is our floor. The 3 windows on the left is ours, and the right window is the office. It has a seperate enterance.

BLUE: This is the church entrance.

PINK(this is as close to pink as I've got!): This whole bottom floor is a church. This whole apartment building belongs to the church. The Pink side is sunday school rooms and such. Which is where most of our teachings are held during the week.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My new team.

These are my new Global Action Zurich (gaz) teammates, well all but 2. In the back left; Tom Vogt (Switzerland), David Gabriel (Switzerland), Philipp Eschbach (Switzerland), Stephan Heis (Switzerland), and Front Row Left; Matthias Bommeli (Switzerland), Noemei Vogt (Switzerland) Heike Lippmann (Germany), ME (Canada..yay!), and Essi Lahti (Finland). Not in the photo are Bill Yeo and Sara Comeau, both from Canada.
Philipp is the team leader; he is in charge of keeping us all organized. Matthias is the PR guy. He is another leader and does a lot of the office work. Heike is the girl leader...She's great. Eac leader also mentors different teammates.
Stephen, Bill, and Sara, have all been on the team for just about 2 years. They will be finished here in December of this year.
As for the rest of us, we are all rookies!! Tom and Noemie will be here for 3 years, I will be here 2, and Essi and David will be here for 1 year.

From now until December we will go through a training program, where each week we will study and learn hands on how to work in the different areas of ministry.

My Outline for the next few months:
This week- City Ministry
September 26-30 Kids Work
October 3-7 Street Work
10-14 Gasseneinsatze..translated into English, this means "Lane Employment" so we will be going out and working on the street and practicing what we learned the week before.
17-21 Kids week. This week we will be doing a weeklong outreach in the church.
24-28 Islam
November (31)-4 Research- get more info and do some research on something in this area of Zurich that you are interested in.
7-11 Youth
14-18 Servant/Lit. Not exactly sure on this one...
21-25 Communication
December (28)-2 Reflection..looking back on all the different ministries. It will be here where I will sit down with the leaders and decide which ministries I want to fill my schedule up with.
Its going to be a lot of learning filled with new experiences, but I am excited, and want to learn the different ways to reach the different people.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Fellowship and Friendships.........

I have never experienced this kind of fellowship before. Imagine yourself in the same worship service as 290 new recruits ready to be sent out, all worshiping together under one roof. It really was something that I will never forget. The passion for Jesus... from so many different nations, it kind of gave me a picture of what heaven will be like. Every last bit from the worship to the fellowship. Even the fellowship we had during our card games, and SPOONS!! Friendships were made here at De Bron that will last a lifetime and throughout eternity.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

People from all over...40 different countries!

De Bron 2005..Somewhere in Holland.

This is De Bron. I was here from August 23-September 3 with 290 other new missionaries heading out onto the first! De Bron is a big conference center run by Christians. It was really a beautiful place..see the straw roofs! It was like a big resort in the middle of no where. I don't even know how many people it would hold, at least 550 people.