Love doesn't start with the eyes, Starts with the heart. Look deep down inside. You have the chance- To make a choice, to make a change. So take the chance To make a choice, to make a change. -->So make the choice to look with the eyes of your heart ~India Arie

Friday, October 27, 2006

These are a few of my Favourite things!!

This was pure happiness in one package! Tim Hortons, Reese Peanut Butter Cups-Sugar Free, and Crystal Light! Ang-I LOVE YOU!
..and the flowers-fresh from the market this morning. They just happen to be my favourite flower!!

Saturday, October 07, 2006


September is gone..much has happened! Here is a BRIEF overview...of what I was up to!

Once again a new team...

In September, 4 new people joined our team! 2 from Switzerland-who will stay for 1 year, and 2 from the U.S.A.-who will stay with us for 8 months. We are a young team so we connect really well and on many different levels. Our apartment is full with 5 girls-we definately keep each other entertained either sitting around the table telling stories, listening to Molly's random singing, or having a deep discussion! It's just FUN! I can see where we will learn a lot from each other over the next few months!
The Americans are just learning German and are struggling to pick it up.To be honest, I am really encouraged by there struggling- it just shows me how far I have come, and how much I have learned this past year. ( I am far FAR from Perfect..but I understand and can communicate!Ican see my progress.) I do sympathise with them! Micha(Swiss), Brenda(US), and Molly(US)

Debora(Swiss), Molly, and Brenda

It's Been Awhile!

I spent my birthday and the first 2 weeks in Holland-at DeBron. It's a conference for new members joining OM-I was there last year as a new recruit, but went this year as a volunteer. I worked in creche(the kids program) this allowed the parents to attend the meetings without the distraction of the kids! We had a fun 2 weeks together-never boring! All games, and crafts!

Weekend in GLASGOW!

After Holland I was home for 2 weeks and did the normal work routine!! My cousin Sara who lives in Scotland hasn't been feeling well so I went to visit her and the rest of my family there for a long weekend. We went to a French Market..Watched a lot of Gilmore Girls...I LEARNED TO KNIT!!!!...had many late night was just a fun and encouraging time together. You can pray for Sara as she keeps fainting and the doctors aren't sure of the she can't really be on her own much and this is wearing always having to be constantly "supervised".

We can never stay serious for long!