My Biggest Challenge Yet!!
Here is my report from Snow Camp-
The 2 full days of skiing I got in were GREAT. Cooking 3 meals a day for 20 people who come from over 8 different countries -->PURE STRESS. This is the first time I have ever taken on such a challenge-Planning and buying a menu for a whole week, while staying within budget and cooking it to the approval of 20 different tasters! (AND on top of it, I had 3 muslim kids who didn't eat any pork, and 1 kid who didn't eat any meat at all because of religious reasons-they added some extra fun to my menu planning!) The first 2 days were the hardest-if we weren't eating Curry or Rice, the kids from Sri Lanka were complaining, and when we had rice the others were wanting spaghetti. All I heard at first was the complaining, and whining! But they always came back for second and third helpings-so I realized that my cooking wasn't that bad! And I just had to come to the realization that I wasn't going to please everybody. By Wednesday I had won their hearts with my homemade chocolate cake-and by the end of the week I even heard the random thank you!! It was an intense week..up at 630 and to bed at midnight-only to get up the next morning and start all over in the kitchen! Would I do it again?? I love to cook..but I would rather be socializing and just being with the kids than being holed up in the kitchen!
The mountains were BEAUTIFUL...and they quieted my stressed out spirit!!(and dashing down the runs in my snowblades-- beating the boys helped too!)
We simply have a creator who is amazing beyond words. Creation so beautiful can only point to HIM!