Open air concert? the Alps? October? FANTASTIC!
On Tuesday a few of us from the team went to see Micheal W. Smith. It was a lot a fun..Big road trip in such a little country, all 2 and half hours. Even though I am from Canada..the great North, and we can put up with a lot of cold weather, I was still a little skeptical of it being an open air concert. After all it was in the alps..I could just imagine standing outside listening to the concert and not enjoying it because I was so cold. But the outdoor atmosphere made it that much better..and there was a lot of people there so you were surrounded which kept you warm. I ended up having a great time..good worship, and even a few oldies from good ol' Michael!
The big MW hey, that is awsome, it is nice to see any one who is north american when we are in a differnt country. Did he sing go west young man??? Love Ya hannah
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