Love doesn't start with the eyes, Starts with the heart. Look deep down inside. You have the chance- To make a choice, to make a change. So take the chance To make a choice, to make a change. -->So make the choice to look with the eyes of your heart ~India Arie

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I'm ready for SUMMER!

This Afternoon....

AND IT'S STILL SNOWING. This is the most snow that I have seen in Zurich.(so much that the trams aren't even running.) But it is the gross wet and slushy snow, so we can't even go out and play in it- it's the depressing kind of snow -BLAH - I just want it to warm up and be nice....I'M READY FOR THE SUN...


At 4:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that those pictures are actually taken in Zurich! That's a crazy amount of snow! I think the city must have been in chaos, or something near it, especially with the trams not being able to operate. And you are right, bring on the summer!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Jen Gilbertson said...

yuck . . . gross snow . . . at least in SK, we have the pure white fluffiness that is fun to play in. Summer will be here before you know it.

I didn't get to see you on the Olympics . . . I wasn't near a TV that day so it's really cool to see your pictures. Hannah Driscoll told me that she spotted you though!


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