Love doesn't start with the eyes, Starts with the heart. Look deep down inside. You have the chance- To make a choice, to make a change. So take the chance To make a choice, to make a change. -->So make the choice to look with the eyes of your heart ~India Arie

Monday, November 07, 2005

A Special Visitor- a fellow Saskatchewanite!

This past week Jen came for a visit. She is traveling around Europe right now, and of course her trip wouldn't have been complete without seeing me and my life here in Zurich! It was a really nice time to catch up again-Jen was my RA my first year in Caronport. I was able to share with her some of the different places where I work. Just to be able to share what my life here is like with someone from back home was really cool. The few days that we had together was so encouraging for me...both nights we stayed up way to late just talking. (Ha -->we both are very good at this!!) Thus is why we both look so tired in the picture!
If you want to read what it's like to live and work here form an outsiders perspective, Jen is a FANTASTIC writer - she brings it all to life!..and she wrote all about it on her blog. "Life on the Streets, on the Mountains, and the City"


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